Saturday, July 12, 2014


 new style has broken onto the fashion scene. This style is called Afropunk. You are probably wondering what is Afropunk? Well Afropunk does not have a solid definition yet, seeing how it is a young style, but I can help you figure out your own definition by showing you examples and where the style was born.
The style actually originated from the music festival, Afropunk Fest. Afropunk, is similar to punk, but it is specific to African-Americans and blacks. It is more of a fusion of other styles and punk, more specifically reggae, hip-hop and punk. All Afropunk bands must contain all black members, and the festival is just a large gathering of these particular punk bands.  One well known Afro-punk band is A Company that Makes Everything and Flatbush Zombies.
From this festival, a particular style emerged. It was a away for African-Americans to claim their own spot in punk, because when punk first began there were very few people of color included. So Afro-punk is a way of almost reclaiming punk. The style includes wearing large natural hair such as afros or huge buns, or braids. The larger your hair is, the better. As a woman of color myself it is nice t see a style that embraces natural hair, since most styles these days ask for straighten or altered hair.
Classic punk is considered to be dark heavy clothes, but since afro-punk is a rebellion against the classical form of punk, the clothing tends to be lighter and filled with more patterns. Patterns are an important part of afro-punk. Since the music style is a fusion of genres, i only makes sense that the style is rich and blended as well. It does take on some of the elements of punk like the occasional black or heavy jewelry, and maybe even a spike or two. Yet it must be thought of as a different style from punk, it’s Afro-punk!!!! Many people refer to Afro-punk as a revolution and a home full of colors and patterns.

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